Taking Care of Our Physical Selves.

I posted this picture a couple days ago on Instagram (@andreamworley) where I talked about the my physical health transformation and how I took back my health a year and a half ago. You can read more about my journey here.

While we've been talking about spiritual rest I think it's also equally important to talk about physical rest. 

Rest for your body is just as needed and necessary for our spirits too.

I think it's also important for us to take care of ourselves physically too. God tells us that our bodies are a temple of the Holy Spirit. (1 Cor. 3:16)

Because of this we take care of our bodies as a way of honoring Christ. He made us in His image. (1 Cor. 6:19)

This could mean to many things, and it may be different for each of us. 

Maybe it's getting back into a work out routine, or starting one.

Maybe it's taking a nap during the day when you're kids are napping and not feeling guilty about it. 

Whatever it is I encourage you to pray and seek God's wisdom in how you can be resting your physical body and taking care of yourself physically.

This post is apart of a series #31daysofRestinginHim . Visit this link for more posts on this topic and follow along in this journey. Use the hashtag #31daysofRestinginHim on social media to follow along.

This post is apart of a series #31daysofRestinginHim . Visit this link for more posts on this topic and follow along in this journey. Use the hashtag #31daysofRestinginHim on social media to follow along.