Regrets and Resting in Him.

My husband and I were having this deep conversation this past weekend about regrets and our faith as believers. My question was;

"As Christians what is our response to regret in our lives?"

Is it ok to have regrets? What does that mean for our lives? Just some questions that I've had and evaluated in my own life. In the last five years regret is something that I've really struggled with. I've had regrets from the way I've handled and responded to things in my past. It's something I pray about daily and seek God's wisdom on daily about how to deal with how I feel. 

I've been reading The Best Yes by Lysa Terkeurst. 

I read a few chapters the very next day after my Husband and I were talking about the subject of regret, it seriously was a God moment that the very next day God opened up wisdom to a new perspective on this subject.

In the book she says:

The only way to diminish our regrets is by making decision that lead to peace. And peace requires from us some sort of release. Release brings with it the gift of peace. The beautiful, bare winter branch can now receive its snow. When we release in peace, we signal we're now ready to receive. Receive what's next. Receive what's best. Receive what's meant for this season, right now.

Isn't that so good!? 

The simple act of releasing brings us peace. God can give us peace over time as we release our regret to him. This gave me such clarity as I move forward to daily seek his wisdom and peace. 

To know that as I do that each day he's pouring out his wisdom, grace and peace to me. 

I feel so encouraged to know that my Jesus cares about those things and he wants me to rest in Him with my regrets. 

What is something you've been struggling with lately? How can you release it to bring yourself peace that God can give you?

This post is apart of a series #31daysofRestinginHim . Visit this link for more posts on this topic and follow along in this journey. Use the hashtag #31daysofRestinginHim on social media to follow along.

This post is apart of a series #31daysofRestinginHim . Visit this link for more posts on this topic and follow along in this journey. Use the hashtag #31daysofRestinginHim on social media to follow along.