Turning One Year Older.

I celebrated my birthday this past weekend. 

We snuck away to the mountains in Flagstaff. I shared my birthday with some sweet friends who were also getting married that day. My husband officiated their wedding and it was a pleasure to share my birthday with their special day. 

We started the day with breakfast together. Then we found a cute little park and let them play around before we had to get ready for the wedding. 

They loved running around and playing. Up in the mountains the air was crisp, the leaves were changing and the mountains all around us was a beautiful site. 

A simple calm reminder of God's goodness in his creation. 

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I have always loved birthdays. Now, that I'm older birthdays are a lot more special with my family. I also take the time each year to reflect and make some news goals for the year. Being thankful for God's blessings and goodness in my life. 

This year he's reminding me of the dreams he put on my heart ten years ago. He sweetly reminded me that he hasn't forgotten about them, so neither should I. I'm excited to start moving in a direction that I feel God is leading me after all this time towards making some of those dreams happen. 

It's such a good reminder from God. He's teaching me that I am not forgotten. That I am his, he cares about my needs, my dreams and my passions because he birthed them in me first. They are His. I am created for his purpose, and he has a plan for my life.

Cheers to being 32 and making this a memorable year full of growth and changes.