More Jesus, Less Excess.

I saw this commercial a few weeks ago, it's not new by any means I just was seeing it for the first time. It's a Verizon commercial for their more everything plan. I really didn't like the over all message of it, but as much as I didn't like it it hit me that it's very true for most of our culture. Go head, give it a watch if you haven't seen it. 

I really sat back and was honestly saddened by the whole idea that as a culture and society we're obsessed with more. We like more things, we're a culture that over spends, doesn't save and most do not live within their means. 

I was coming off the heels of having read both Seven & Interrupted and God was already stirring in me some things before that. It's really been a convicting reality check for myself and how I look at what my family spends, consumes and wastes. 

Are you so obsessed as a culture with the idea of having more and it's never enough? I think some would answer yes. 

I think in certain areas of my life I would answer yes as well. 

I think there are some areas where there's a lot of excess where there needs to be more Jesus. 

More Jesus guiding me in those areas instead of my own selfish desires. 

Dying to my Spirit when I think I "need" something or just "want" something. Am I saying having things is wrong? No, I'm not. We all have things in our lives we've worked hard for to have. What I am talking about is our attitudes and the heart behind it. 

For where your treasure is, there your heart will also be. Matthew 6:21

What am I treasuring?

Is it more than I treasure my relationship with the Lord?

Am I putting my trust for my fiances in Jesus who is the giver of all my blessings anyway and it really belongs to Him?

Am I consuming just because or is there a purpose behind it? 

Am I spending just because I can? Am I spending and living beyond my means of what God's provided?

Just a few questions to ask myself as I continue to rest in the Lord and keep my focus on Him and not earthly things. And not things that don't matter this side of heaven.

Pushing aside all the excess and focusing more on Jesus is where I'd like to be.