10 Things I'm Thankful for This Year.

Happy Thanksgiving! I hope that you and your families are enjoying a relaxing day today. This is my favorite time of year. Today I thought I'd share with you ten things that I am thankful for this year. I was just talking to my Husband the other day and telling him how fast I feel like the year has gone. It's flown. It's been hard, it's also had amazing joys as well. I have learned a lot about myself and a lot about the Lord. I'm so thankful. 

1. My sweet family.

My hubby and our two kids they just are everything. Everything. I love them so much. 

2. My sweet kids.

Zane will be two soon. I can hardly believe it, from the day he was born he's completed our family. Truly. 

My sweet little Ava she keeps me on my toes, she loves deeply and has the most tender heart. 

3. Our health.

Last year my kids were sick all the time. This year we've been healthy. I'm also thankful for the health of my extended family. I believe in a healing God and God is faithful. I'm thankful for an extended family member who has had cancer completely removed from her body.

4. My Grandparents

They moved back to Arizona a year ago, and I'm so thankful to have spent this last year with them. Thankful that I get to spend another year with them. We're so close and I'm grateful to have the relationship I have with them. 

5. Thrive Moms

I feel really blessed and thankful to be apart of this ministry. I'm thankful that they intrust me to lead and use my gifts to further a bigger purpose. I'm so excited to be apart of what God is doing here. It has touched my heart so much this ministry. 

6. Faithful friendships.

If I'm being honest I would tell you that this year has been a hard year for me in my friendships. But God has reminded me that he's placed key people in my life for a reason. I am thankful for tried and true, faithful friends. Here for me through it all, the tough stuff, who accept me for who I am. Ones that are willing to challenge me and make me a better person. 


7. This blog.

This year was a year of transition for me and my blog. I'm so thankful for the way you readers have embraced this new blog and stuck with me on this journey. I've got some fun things planned for 2015 that I'm excited to share with you.

8. The Everyday Shop.

I'm so excited about all the new stuff added to the shop! I feel like I've finally narrowed down my vision and what I want the shop to be. 

9. Our Church.

My family and I we crazy love our church, our pastors and the people there. They have sustained us during some difficult times in the last couple years, and we've grown so much. Truly thankful that God placed us there three years ago.

10. God's provision.

I'm so blown away how God provides and continues to provide for us in our lives. He continues to amaze me with his love for us. I'm very thankful for this.