N O V E M B E R Goals.

Holy crap! October has come and gone. In October we celebrated my birthday, took our kiddos to the pumpkin patch, attended a dear family friend's beautiful wedding, my Husband also officiated this wedding. I attended a great blogging event. 

Whew! It was a busy month! Now that it's November I'm itching to put up my tree but I'm trying to hold off till after Thanksgiving. What about you? Do you already have Christmas decorations up?

Tell me you already do, so I can plead this cases to my Hubby! ;) 

November Goals:

01// Read I new book.

Last month I read two. Pretty excited about that, let's keep the trend moving.

02// Finish Christmas shopping & wrap all the gifts.

Gah! I'm still not done. Almost just two left to get.

03// Finish making all my stock to sell at Phoenix Flea this month.

I got a fresh batch of new notepads to sell. And I need to start printing the prints I will be selling and packaging it all up.

04// Buy furniture for the guest room.

We need a couch in there, specifically a hide a bed one. We have family coming for Christmas and need extra sleeping space, plus I wanna couch in there any way.

05// Start a new workout routine.

Ya'll I'm so bored, I need something new.

06// Photograph new shop products.

07// Address & mail Christmas cards.

They are done. They are sitting in my office. They just need addresses & stamps! Feeling on top of it!