A Holiday Gift Exchange Party

This time of year really is so special, and as the year comes to an end it's a great time to reflect on the year and be thankful. I haven't ever hosted a holiday party in our home since we bought our house. This year I wanted to do something special for my girlfriends, so I decided to host a gift exchange party and invite some friends to celebrate the season & reflect on God's goodness in our lives. 

I gave each of them some small gifts that represented a part of myself and had them waiting under my tree when they arrived. See what I gave them at the bottom of the post & enter to win what's inside! 

We had light appetizers & desserts. I also set up a coffee and cocoa bar for my guests. 

A party isn't a party with out some cupcakes! I made the cupcake flags using the flag dies from Lifestyle Crafts.  You can buy them here. Use code WORLEYHOUSE for 20% off. 

I asked each of my guests to bring gifts to exchange as well with the other guests. I placed them all on my dining table displayed on cake plates and platters. They each got a few "golden tickets" to go around the table and choose a gift. Once they chose a gift they left their ticket on the plate. This idea was inspired by @jennycookies adorable couples holiday party. 

Drink flags made using this die, you can use the code to get 20% off on these as well. 

I had the best time hosting my first holiday party at my home. Having friends come over and share it made it all the more special. This night was an evening for me to express my deep appreciation for them in my life the last year and get to spoil them with a few gifts. 

Ready to see what was in those packages under the tree? Here's what I gave each of my friends that evening. A leather journal, personalized note cards, a coffee mug, and a notebook.

All mean something really special to me. 

A coffee mug, because DUH! Anyone who knows me absolutely knows I love my coffee.

A journal because I've been journaling since I was in 5th grade.

Note cards, because I love sending personalized notes to family and friends.

And a notebook to catch all those good ideas and remember things. I always have one in my purse. 

Jump on over to Instagram find me @andreamworley to enter to win all these goodies! Winner will be announced on Monday! 

Have a great weekend!