Happy Second Birthday Zane!

Two years ago today I went into labor with Zane around 5 am. Only I didn't know it was labor. Just intense back pain that progressed into the morning. Around 6 am I decided to start tracking these "back pains" and sure enough they were coming every 4-6 minutes. After sitting in bed for about an hour doing this I finally decided that I must be in labor. 

I was 40 weeks and 1 day over due. By 7 am I told my husband that we needed to start heading to the hospital. We got Ava, my mom and all got our things and headed to the car. While in route to the hospital which was about 20 minutes from home I started feeling intense pain, so much so that it was hard to continue sitting in the car. What I didn't know that I found out later at the hospital was that I had "transitioned" while riding in the car to the hospital.

When we arrived at the hospital they dropped my husband and I off at the door. We waited what seemed like forever before the nurses were ready to check me. It wasn't until I told them that I think I felt a need to push. They rushed a nurse in to check me and sure enough I was 8 cm along. 

Everything else after that was a blur. They rushed me to L&D, there wasn't any lab techs available to start my IV and by the time one was it was to late and I already progressed to far to have an epidural. 

My "I didn't plan on doing this naturally" was my new plan after all. I remember checking the clock once they told me I couldn't have one and seeing that it was 9 am. I told the nurses once again that I wanted to push and they told me I couldn't because the on call doctor was delivering another baby and couldn't come.

That part was torture and seemed to last much longer than I wanted. Finally a doctor came, broke my water and told me I could start pushing.

At 9:39 am Zane Everett was born. I remember thinking that he looked a lot like Ava did as a baby except he was much bigger than she was. I also remember sitting there with him in the hospital feeling like he so completed our family. And he has. He's completed us more than I ever thought he would.

From the minute he was born he's hit every milestone so fast, I sometimes wish that he would slow down. He's so different than Ava was and challenges me and keeps me on my toes.

He is smart, loves to play with Ava and jump on the trampoline with her. He has tons of energy and loves to eat! He loves his truck book, and has a sensitive spot for his little lovey puppy dog. 

Born just 9 days before Christmas this is always such a busy time for us now. But I don't ever want this miracle boy to to overshadowed by Christmas. So we'll always celebrate his day! 

Zane means God is gracious. Zane was a name I had heard years ago, when we found out we were having a boy it was the first name that came to mind. When I looked up the meaning I knew that we'd name him that. You see God has been so gracious to us, we conceived Ava after a year of trying and not being successful we did one round of fertility drugs and got pregnant with her. When it came to trying for baby #2 we didn't do anything and to our surprise had Zane. God has been good to us, and he answered our prayers of being able to have a baby and not do fertility treatments again. 

Tonight we party and on Sunday we're going to have a big celebration when all of our family gets into town. 

We love you Zaney, Happy Birthday! Love, Mama, Daddy and Ava!