What I Learned in 2014.

As I site here on the last day of 2014 I can't help but look back on this year. A year full of more heart ache than I would have liked, a year full of new adventures as a family, and a year full of lessons that God has taught me. This year has proved major growth for me in areas of my life, going through hard stuff is never fun or easy. But coming out of it stronger in the Lord makes it worth it. Realizing who you are and are not is worth it. Finding joy in moments you never thought yo would makes it worth it. Thriving this year make it worth it. Knowing God loves you makes it worth it. 

Today, I want to share with you ten things I learned in 2014. Some heartfelt, some very light hearted. All worth learning. In no particular order, here we go:

1. The Lord Will Fight for You. 

Exodus 14:14 became a scripture I rested on time and time again this year. The Lord will fight for you, I need only to be still. Those words couldn't be more true for how I choose to deal with a lot of the hard stuff that came my way this year. A lot of unexpected things, a lot of hurtful things. But God reminded me again and again through his word that he's already gone before me, he's prepared a way, he will fight for me and I just need to be still. Wait on him. He will have the final say, he will reveal and he will bring truth to the light. 

2. I don't get anything done during the day, and I'm most productive at night.

It's probably just the season that I am in raising young children, but I always have high hopes for what I will accomplish during the day and it rarely happens. I learned to be ok with that this year and know that at night is when I'm going to do my best thinking and be most productive.

3. Coffee has no effect on me, I just love the taste.

There I said it. I don't drink it for any other reasons. And I'm ok with that. I just love it.

4. Create the Community You Crave.

God has been teaching me a lot these last few years, and the number one thing he taught me years ago is to do just this. Don't just sit around waiting for it to happen, create it. This year I got out of my comfort zone a lot, talked to people first and built relationships with others that I probably wouldn't have had the courage to do so if God hadn't already been brining me on a journey towards this.

5. I really love reading non fiction.

I try, try to get into novels but I just finally realized that I don't love them nearly enough. Not nearly as much as I love reading people's real life stories, hearing the lessons they have learned or what God has taught them. So non fiction, you're where it's at for me....for now.

6. Date nights are my favorite. 

For the longest time my husband and I didn't have a regular date night. This year we've been blessed to have family live close so that we can go on a regular date night, and it's been so wonderful. I look forward to many more date nights in 2015. 

7. Love people well, regardless of the outcome.

I don't mean let them walk all over you, of coarse there needs to be balance in this. But what I'm saying it love them well, figure out how they most feel love and do that! I have found that if you love on people well the rest just falls into place. We can do so much for people if we figure this out, we can do so much for God's kingdom if we figure out how to love others well. Not for our own praise or selfish gain but so the person on the other end knows just how much God loves them through the way we've loved them first. 

8. Keep your circle of care wide, but your circle of influence small.

A very wise friend of mine told me this earlier this year and it's stuck with me so much. There's a difference between caring about people and taking on their every burden. There's also a difference between something walking all over you and not doing anything about it. There are people that we need to love and care for from afar, and then there are others who are influencing our lives in a positive way. Keep them close. The ones that are challenging you, keep them close. The ones that challenge you and make you better, and point you towards Christ keep them close. Everyone else you can still care for, pray for but they may or may not be healthy for you to have in your life but that doesn't mean you can't care for them. Keep your circle of care wide, but keep your circle of influence small. 

9. Be myself.

This sounds pretty simple doesn't it?! But if I'm being honest much of the last few years I haven't been myself. I've been a broken mess of a person just trying to heal myself and get back where God wants me to be. The last two years and really this year I finally have been able to be my true self again, I've stopped apologizing for the things I love and who I am. I've grown more confident in who I am in the Lord, which has made me more confident in my everyday life. 

10. When there's growth there's also a pruning happening at the same time.

Whenever you're growing and God is teaching you something, he's also pruning everything in and around you to. You know why? So you can bear more fruit. Sometimes we want all the fruit without the pruning. I know I do, but it doesn't work that way. We have to be willing to endure both if we want to see God move in our lives. So that we can enjoy the fruit later on. 

I'd love to hear one thing you learned this year, leave it in the comments below.