Living A Less Distracted Life Part I


I've been feeling for a while now that God is showing me things about living with less distractions. I've felt him pulling at me during times in my day showing me that this or that is a distraction. 

A distraction from my relationship with him. 

A distraction from my kids at certain times. 

A distraction in my focus. 

So for the last couple weeks I've spent time praying about these things and asking God what does that look like? 

Are there things that are distracting me?

Is it people? 

Is it the things I am putting my time into?

Asking God these practical questions. What are the things in my life keeping me from living a less distracted life? And how can make more time for the things that matter? And as I've been working through things God is really showing me some awesome things.

He's showing me that I don't want to just be "busy" for the sake of being. He's showing me some things that I need to let go of in order to live life less distracted. 

He's showing me where my focus, time and energy need to be and where they do not need to be. I'm refocusing my priorities, and making new ones too. 

It's amazing the clarity that comes when you just dig in with you and God. And isn't that the way that it always should be? But the truth is, (at least for me) we should always be this in tune. Shouldn't we?

But sometimes we let other things cloud our time and we don't make time for God. There's no room for Him. And he wants to do these awesomely amazing things in our lives but we need to make time for Him. 

He wants to speak to us, but we need to speak to him too. 

He wants to pour down amazing blessing on us, and we need to make sure we have our buckets ready. 

But we can't do that if we're distracted and not ready. 

So I've been refocusing so that I can be ready. So that I can be present more in my relationship with him, in my marriage, as a wife, mother and friend. 

It's time to slow down, it's time to put what matters first. 

So let's ask ourselves (me & you) some tough questions.

Is there any areas of life that you feel are away from the Lord?

Do you feel like there are things tearing you away from who God created you to be?

Write them down, pray over them and ask God to help you let go of what your distraction is. Ask him to come into those deepest parts. 

Today, is the start of Lent. I am not Catholic but I love the value and heart behind the observance of Lent. Taking time to give up something in order to have more of Christ revealed in your life. I believe the heart is to live less distracted and focus on God more during this time before Easter. 

So this lent season I'm thinking of the different distractions God is showing me and focusing on the Lord more. I want to challenge you today to think of the areas of your life that may be distracted and how God can help you lean more on Him.