Running Favorites

I started running towards the end of 2013, I used to hate running. I've recently fallen in love with running though. I told myself that this year I was going to run more and challenge myself in this area. I even ran my first race a few months back!  

Today I wanted to share with you some of my very fave products that help make running more enjoyable and fun because that is possible!

Danskin running shorts- I buy mine at Wal-Mart they are $4! You can't beat that, they come in lots of different colors too! 

Polar Heart Rate Monitor- This is great for tracking your calories to see how many your burning, it comes in lots of different colors but mine is pink! $61

Asics GT 1000 Running Shoe- My husband bought these for me for Christmas last year, never would I thought in my life I'd ask for these but I love'em! I was running in shoes that were more than 10 years old so these were a great upgrade and so light on my feet! $75

Are you a runner too? What are some of your favorite products to help you with running, I'd love to hear them in the comments below!