On Being Brave & The New Blog.

When I talk about the desire to thrive in my life this year, I don't just mean in one area. God has asked me to thrive in all areas of my life this year. Towards the end of last year I felt a stirring God was doing in my heart. He started stirring up all kinds of stuff, and in my flesh I was kinda like 

"No, not that God."

Have you ever been there? You want God to do something in your life, you think you're ready until God starts speaking to you and then you realize;

"Woah, wait a minute God. Maybe I'm not as ready as I thought!"

When I started to feel the same way over and over again about certain areas of my life, I knew God was trying to show me something. So finally I surrendered to that and really dug in, prayed a lot and asked God to show me what He has here.

Part of that process was about letting go of somethings. Re purposing a few things, re prioritizing a few things too. Let me tell you some of those things are scary stuff. But being brave is not about writing fancy blog posts, or doing things we think we should do. 


Nope, it's about doing what God has asked us to do. And willing to step out in that and follow through because we have his peace to do so. That is brave. 

When I felt like God was stirring in my heart the desire to re focus my blog let me tell you at first thought that was scary. 

Most of you know me in the online world through my blog Worley House. I've been blogging since 2008, that has been my online home. That is where I shared about my first news about becoming a mother, that is where I shared every creative project, that is where I grew as a writer and my heart grew for my desire for my blog to be used by God.


But, if I'm being honest my blog started to become something that I wasn't proud of. And I wasn't proud of myself with some of the attitudes I was having towards blogging. I wasn't excited about how driven I'd become about numbers, stats, page views and all that. I soon found myself posting because I thought I had to or needed to. It wasn't even great sometimes.

I threw myself into creative projects one after another and showcased them on the blog, because sometimes I didn't know how to put my feelings into words. And because much of last year I was going through a lot but you'd never know it because I didn't know how to show that side. 

Everyone is different and every blog is different when it comes to that and I knew that for myself I got caught up and borderline obsessive and I knew I didn't want to be that any more.

There's some scary sides to starting over.

Will I loose all the followers I'd built up over the years?

What about all those projects? 

What if people don't like the new direction? 

All these things went through my mind. And at first they made me just wanna stay right where I was. Comfortable in my own little space I built. 

But, when God calls I needed to listen. Once I did, once I really felt clear direction you know what happened?

I got excited. 

All those fears went away. 

I started thinking and dreaming about this new online space and how God could use it to inspire women and encourage. How he could use me in ways I didn't know. I got excited about getting back to writing and inspiring others. Excited about sharing experiences that I was going through in hopes that just maybe you were going through them too and we could dialog and pray for one another, and encourage each other.


So the name? 

Andrea Worley. It's just me. Giving all of this, and letting God do something amazing in this online space.

Celebrate the Everyday?

Yes, every little moment that no one sees but you, and God. Every big dream that's on your heart that you're not sure when will come true. The highs and lows of parenting, being a wife, mother, daughter and friend. 

The joy that life brings, let's celebrate that. Let's celebrate what God wants to do in your heart and in your life.

I hope you'll take this journey with me. 
Welcome to the new blog.