Coffee Date:: That One Time When My Mom Surprised Us.

Hello friends!

Happy Friday to you! I hope you're all having a wonderful morning. Let's sip our coffee, unwind a bit, I want to hear about your week. 

If we were having coffee this week I would tell you that this week went by fast! The best thing that happened this week is that my mom flew into town and surprised us all! She came into town for Ava's 4th birthday & party! 

The look on Ava's face and the screaming from excitement was priceless. I wish I would have video tapped it! So yes, my mama is here staying with us for a good 10 days. I can hardly believe it myself. I always love having her come visit. 

Also I would tell you that that past week Zane turned 15 months old! Wow! This time is going to fast. And on Monday I will officially have a 4 year old and a 15 month old! Time goes to fast and my babies are growing to fast as well. 

So this weekend we're celebrating Ava's birthday with a rainbow party, and going to enjoy lots of family time! I'm so excited!

Ok, now it's your turn. Since we're having having coffee tell me about your week? Anything exciting happen? Anything you want to share? Tell me in the comments below, I wanna hear your stories. 

linking up with Alissa from Rags to Stitches today. Come join the community there today.

Have a great weekend friends!