Race Day Reflections

This past weekend I ran my very first 5K! My husband and I did it together. I started running last Fall as part of my work out routine. I'm not a runner by any means, before I started running I hadn't run in years, I bet since high school.

But I was at a standstill with my workouts and I needed to push my body towards something different and try something new. So I took up trying to become a runner. At first it was really, really hard. Then it got easier. Then I took a break during Christmas vacation and came back to it. We signed up for a race and I took the plunge towards running a real actual race!

This weekend we ran that race. We ran the Grand Canyon University Pediatric Cancer Run 5K/10K. Before we started the race I was of coarse so nervous. When you stand fear in the face and wonder if you're going to conquer it or not. 


This year I told myself I was going to Thrive. Last year when I started working out I wrote down a bunch of fitness goals I wanted to achieve. Lose 10 pounds quickly turned into lose 20 pounds. Fit into size 8 jeans again turned into fitting into something even smaller. Then I wrote down run a race, not knowing when that would happen. 

I ran and ran with my husband right by my side cheering me on, and encouraging me to keep going. I kept going and going all the way to the finish line. We rounded the finish line and waves of emotion came. I've never in my life run a mile without wanting to stop or stopping. This time I ran the whole race, all of it. I kept going. 


It's amazing what God made our bodies to do, how he made them to work. What we can accomplish if we just keep going. This is such a physical lesson as it is a spiritual lesson for me. 

God wants us to keep going.

Turn to him for strength. 

I'm proud of myself and what I've allowed my body to accomplish. It's truly so amazing. 


What have you done lately that scares you, challenges you? What have you learned about yourself? Or what has the Lord been teaching you?