My friend told me about the IF: Gathering back in February. I sat in my guest room floor for hours watching the Live feed. In the dark with the lights dimmed, no one but me & Jesus. It was such an amazing time, and I really believe that the Lord spoke some clear things to me during that time. During that time they introduce something called IF: Table. 

Community has always been so important to me. In some seasons of live I've found community to come effortlessly to me, and in others it's been a real struggle to find community and connection with people. God has been teaching me over the last few years that I have to create the community I crave. 

In other words if I want community and a sense of being connected then I need to step out and make the effort to create that. It's been a challenge for me at times coupled with past hurts and being an introverted person by nature. 

So when the idea of IF: Table came up, inviting women into your home and sharing life around a table. 6 ladies, 4 questions, 2 hours. I thought to myself, that's so simple I can do that. 

I hosted my first IF:Table last night in my home. I invited some ladies from my church who I wanted to get to know better and share a more intimate time together. There's something so meaningful and special to me about opening your home and sharing life around a table. Building community and investing in each other. Jesus did this during the Last Supper. Life around the table, learning, teaching and investing himself in others. Creating community. 

It doesn't have to fancy. It can be simple. But what makes it special is when you are honest, vulnerable, real and intentional. That is where life happens. 

I want my home to always have an open door policy. I want people to walk in and feel comfortable, raid my fridge and know where everything is and make themselves at home. I want to use my home to bless others. 

It was such a special time together. A time of laughter, connection and most importantly building community. I'm excited to host these ladies again each month. I encourage you to do the same, reach out and build community. 

Isn't it better when we do life connected and together! 


if you'd like more info on IF:Table go here.