Travel Tip: Leave Your Kids' A Surprise to Open


It's been a couple years since I've done a solo trip, the last time Ava was just around 15 months old. She didn't really know what was going on and before she could even really miss me I was home. When I traveled to Chicago a couple weeks ago I knew it would be different. For starters, she's 4 now and four year olds observe a lot!

I started prepping her a few weeks out and reminding her that Mommy was going on a trip with her friends and would be gone. I also wanted to do something a little extra for her. I decided to leave her a little surprise to open for each day that I was gone. 

As you can see above the 3 packages I left for her. I labeled them for each day that I was gone and left a little treat inside!

Where did I get my little treats for her? I scoured the Dollar Spot at Target, and found a few things in the dollar section at Michael's and put them in little treat bags. This doesn't by any means have to be expensive, you can make it what you want though. 

I talked to Ava each day that I was gone, and each time she told me about her surprise she'd gotten. It helped to make the time away for her fun and exciting to open something each day. I didn't do anything for Zane this time since he's so young and wouldn't understand, but I think this is a fun option for older children if you have them. 

Have you done anything like this for your children before? What sort of treats did you leave them to open? 

Next time we go on a trip I'm for sure doing this again!