When Motherhood is Messy.

I'm not talking about my house is a mess, my kids haven't had a bath in two days, or there's throw up on my shirt. Nope, not that kinda messy. 

I'm talking about long days, ones that are hard. Emotionally taxing and draining. Like I just wanna hide in the bathroom and pretend like I'm in there for it's intended purpose but really I'm just having a mommy time out! Yup, that really happens around these parts. 

Motherhood is messy sometimes, isn't it?!

When I first became a mother everything was so new and exciting. Every single stage. I really surprised my otherwise control freak self how NOT anxious I was as a first time mom. I really loved every new stage, I really didn't sweat the small stuff and took it all in. 

Becoming a mom the second time around and having two little ones, now that my friends through me over the edge. One that took me a long time to get out of that mess and find my groove. There are still days that I feel like I don't know what I am doing. Please tell me I'm not alone in that?!

But, on those days when my pre schooler isn't listening to me or my toddler (who I really think is still a baby) who is breaking everything he can touch I try to remember that God's grace is enough. Those are the days when I know a little time to myself is just what I need to get back on track. 

Some time for prayer.

Time for a long run by myself.

Maybe a trip to Target and just walk the aisles alone. (cheap therapy I say.)

Mothering is just this all day, non stop, someone yelling at you, someone melting down, kinda hands on job. It's also the most rewarding thing I've ever done. It's gives me so much joy and purpose knowing that I have these two amazing humans to look after, teach and raise. 

My son has started doing this thing where he just walks up to you and grabs your leg gives you a hug around your leg. He lingers for a bit before letting go and he's off again running around the house. It's the most tender and sweetest thing, and I love it. 

Or when my daughter shouts out randomly "I love you Mom." Those tiny moments leave the biggest impressions on my heart. They let me know that even though motherhood can be messy sometimes and you just wanna throw in the towel on a Monday and run and hide in my pantry and never come out (seriously) that I really am doing a good job, and they love me. 

As Moms we need that encouragement. We need that gentle tug to let us know everything is going to be ok. My heart for moms has grown so much over the last few years and lately God has been doing something in my heart. A pushing. I want God to raise up a community of strong and confident moms. Ones that know they can't do it alone and that they need Christ everyday to get through it. Moms that know having a community around her lifting her up and her encouraging others is beautiful and beneficial as well. Let's do it together. 

What's your messy motherhood story?

Do you have a community of moms around you that you share life with?