Girls Trip to Chicago

Last weekend I met my three friends in Chicago for a girls weekend. With 8 kids, husbands, careers, ministry, and lives that have a million things going on it was so fun to just get away together for three days. I met these girls when I was in college and we've been friends the last 13 years. We've seen each other through so many things; getting through college together, weddings, pregnancy, death of parents, I'm so thankful for each one of them. We haven't all been together for about 4 years. This time was overdue, welcomed and so needed. 


Three of us flew into Chicago and met at the airport, the other rode the train. And we all met downtown Chicago and an awesome hotel I found for us. Within walking distance to tons of food, shopping and the Pier. The first day we sat around a lunch table and talked for the longest time. Our day was filled with coffee, eating and talking! Chicago deep dish was on the must have list! 

Our second day Sara, Eunice and I got up early headed to the 27th floor workout room and go our sweat on. I loved having workout buddies! We spent the rest of the day shopping on Michigan Ave and ate lunch at Grand Lux Cafe'. 

Our third day we got up and spent the day at Navy Pier. We walked around, bought treasures for our kiddos, ate lunch and walked back to the hotel before it was time for us all to depart later that afternoon. 

Each evening we stayed up late chatting and playing Rook. I haven't played in years and needed a few refresher hands! I'm pretty sure my partner hated me those first few rounds. 


I can't even put into words how much these ladies bless me! I am so thankful for each of them. Our friendship over the years has seen its highs and lows. It's seen conflict, fun, laughter, peace and grown. I wouldn't be the woman I am today without them. They stretch me, challenge me, make me laugh and I trust them. A 13 year friendship that I know will go on and on. 

A weekend away with some of my best girlfriends was just what I need! I learn so much from them, and it was a great time of re connecting and laughing a lot! There are so many days that I wish that we could all just be together again in the same place, the same state and how much I miss those times. But I'm also so grateful that God has kept us together and kept our friendship over these years that when we see each other after a long time, and life takes us in all different directions we pick up right where we last saw each other. 

Common ground in the Lord is so sustaining for a friendship and I am beyond blessed by these friends! 

Have you taken a girls trip recently? Where did you go, what did you do? I'm already thinking about our next trip and declaring NOW that somewhere warm is a must!