Paleo Taco Salad


For the last few months my family and I have been trying out the Paleo lifestyle. We still have to cut out a few things before going full fledged but so far I've been loving all the new recipes we're trying. 

I've been using the Practical Paleo cookbook. 

This is one of the recipes from that cook book. If you love Mexican food, I really think you'll love this one too. It's basically a taco without the taco shell. 

I used ground turkey instead of ground beef. 

1 pound ground beef or turkey, brown the meat. I used my homemade taco seasoning to spice it up. 

For filling my salad I chopped up cilantro, one avocado, red and green peppers, 2 tomatoes, half a head of lettuce, three green onions. 

Build your salad with all these, squeeze limes on top and Enjoy!