My Office Progress

I've been working on my office for a while now, which I'm ok with because I wanted to take my time and get the stuff I really wanted and was fine waiting to complete it. You can see the first post about my office here. 

As  a refresher here's what the office looked like last time you saw it.

A blank slate. 

Here's what it looks like after we added a desk and some shelves from Ikea. I painted the brackets gold, they are from Ikea as well. The boxes are all filled with crafts supplies. They are labeled on the front so I know exactly what's in each one. It's nice to have all that organized and together now.

Below the shelving is my desk. I needed a desk and haven't had one for years. I loved this extra long desk from Ikea. Lots of space to spread things out and work on stuff. Plus, I love the simple white it makes a great back drop for taking photos! 

I've been dreaming of the right ways to accessorize this space, here's a few of my faves below. 

What's next for this space? Since this really is a multipurpose room, I need to make it work and functional not only as an office space but a guest room. I need to get a couch for this space, we still need something for people to sleep on when they come visit. I've been searching for weeks for the perfect couch for this space and haven't found anything yet. 

I also need to hang some curtains and get some artwork on the walls. My goal is to have this space done before Thanksgiving, which might seem a long way off to some but for me since I have a limited budget I think it's a good goal to shoot for. And since we have family coming to visit at Christmas it gives me incentive to really get moving!

What projects are you working on right now for your home? I'd love to hear about them.