Party Like It's 1776!

Happy Monday! 

Did you have a good holiday weekend? We did.

I love long holiday weekends. My little brother came to visit us this weekend and we had the best time with him and my Grandparents. 

For the first time in years we ventured out to stay up and watch the fireworks. It was a little hot and totally crowded everywhere but we ended up having a lot of fun. Ava finally wasn't scared this year of them so that's a win! 

We spent our July 4th with my brother and Grandparents and hosted a BBQ at our home. I made homemade apple pie which was a hit as always! The kids splashed in the pool with Grams, we ate and had tons of fun. 

Ava loved her time with her Uncle, and I'm so thankful he came and loved on my kiddos! 

Fourth of July is such a special holiday for me because almost my entire family from Grandfathers, My Father, my brothers, Uncles, Cousins and friends serve or have served in a branch of the military. My little brother is an airman in the Air force, it was special having him here with us. I'm so thankful for those men and women who give their lives & time to serve our country so that I may live in Freedom. 

It also reminds me that the ultimate price for Freedom was paid when Jesus died on the cross for you and for me. I'm truly thankful for that. 

This guy right here, love him so much! Honored & humbled by his service to our country. Thankful we got to spend some time together before he's off for another Air Force training for the next couple months! Love you Shawny! 

How did you spend your weekend? Hope it was fun!