Create A HappiMess in Your Lives.

I saw a quote on Pinterest once that said; "Please excuse the mess, the children are busy making memories." I love this quote for so many reasons, but I know for a lot of Moms the idea of having to have a clean house all the time, and everything put together is just not realistic to our lives. 

Instead of thinking we have to have it all together, what if we embraced the #HappiMess in our lives and realized that it's ok to have things a little out of order.

When my kids get messy when playing I have learned that "they wash up well" and it's ok. They are having fun in the moment, living life and we're making memories together.

Delta has a pretty fantastic line of faucets and products using their  Touch2O ®  technology, where you can tap easily on any party of the faucet when you're hands are messy or aren't free and wash up easily. Turing those messes into a #HappiMess making clean up a snap! 

I've partnered with Delta and I'm excited to embrace our #HappiMess around our home using their innovative products! 

Like many of you our kitchen is the heart of the home. Our kitchen is considered an "eat in" kitchen with it being open and flowing right into the dining room. That kitchen island right there is one of our favorite places to congregate. In the mornings we eat breakfast there, the kids both sit on the stools and eat and watch cartoons while eating. We're back and forth all day long making meals, doing school work at the table and sometimes having races in the kitchen.

Share your stories using the #HappiMess and #DeltaFaucet hashtags on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram and be entered to win a prize package worth $2400! 

“Why do people treat mess like it’s a bad thing? It’s actually the evidence of a life well lived. When you’re out there making, creating, doing and playing, embrace your #HappiMess and let Delta kitchen and bath innovations help clean up so you can do it all again tomorrow.”

“Disclosure: Compensation was provided by Delta via Mode Media. The opinions expressed herein are those of the author and are not indicative of the opinions or positions of Delta.”