Family Dinners are My #HappiMess

We've lived 5 years in Arizona without a single family member here, so when my Grandparents moved here last November to say that I was delighted might be an understatement! Not only do they live here now, but they live right across the street from us. It's such a blessing to have them close, and God truly answered a small prayer that I had in my heart about living closer to family. 

Family dinners are something that we have every night as my own little family gathers around the table. I've dreamed of big family dinners around a table for a long time. One full with cousins, aunts and uncles and grandparents. Dinners where there's barely any room to sit because our table is full and so our are hearts. 

Dinners where everyone brings a dish to share, the desserts are sweet but the company you share it with is even better. 

I love dinner time. Not because of the food but because of the company and life you get to share it with. 

When there are dishes piled high around the sink I won't be overwhelmed by the task of cleaning everything up. I love sitting back and watching the conversation happen over those last few bites and over those last few sips of sweet tea. Dishes can wait. 

When it is time to clean up I'm thankful for a husband who decided long ago in our marriage that he'd clean up as long as I cooked. That's a keeper right there! Our new #DeltaFaucet makes clean up a snap. When you're hands are messy from cleaning plates it's so nice to be able to just touch the faucet with the back of my hand and get clean water pouring out to clean up this #happimess

Share your #HappiMess moments using the hashtag and you could win a kitchen & bath prize package valued at $2400! 

“Why do people treat mess like it’s a bad thing? It’s actually the evidence of a life well lived. When you’re out there making, creating, doing and playing, embrace your #HappiMess and let Delta kitchen and bath innovations help clean up so you can do it all again tomorrow.”

Disclosure: Compensation was provided by Delta via Mode Media.  The opinions expressed herein are those of the author and are not indicative of the opinions or positions of Delta.