Mom's Night Out Movie Review + Win a BLU-RAY DVD Combo Pack!

Moms really do rule the world! 

Have you seen Mom's Night Out yet?! I was able to see a pre screening of the movie earlier this year before it came out. I loved it so much I went and saw it again after it released!

Mom's Night Out is a funny and heart warming movie about what motherhood is really like! I literally sat in the movie theatre laughing as to how true the movie played out motherhood! Full of ups and downs, joys and chaos! 

This is a fun movie to grab your mama friends and settle in for the night and laugh together. I promise you'll see yourself in this funny movie about life & motherhood! It also has a very encouraging message about accepting ourselves the way God made us, giving ourselves a break and not being so hard on ourselves as mothers.

I'm excited today to be offering ONE lucky reader the chance to WIN a DVD BLU-RAY Combo Pack of the movie! Please use the Rafflecopter below for your entries! Winner will be announced via email when the contest is over! 

Happy Thursday Mamas! Be encouraged today that you are exactly where God wants you to be!