Book Review:: Interrupted by Jen Hatmaker

When Jesus wrecks your comfortable Christianity. Yup, that pretty much sums this one up! 

Interrupted is like the pre-cursor to Seven, but don't worry if you've already read that one. This was my second book I read in August. 

God has been working on me since the end of last year, forcing me to take a good look at those idols I'd been building. If you don't know what I'm talking about read this post. 

God often does his best speaking to me through written word and music. So it's of no surprise to me that he'd use these words to further wreck my heart (in a good way.)

Stripped down, raw and real Jen really gets to the heart of Christianity. What is the purpose of the church? What is our response as believers and followers of Christ? 

It made me take a look at what I was and wasn't doing in response to scripture. It made me realize even more that what God has been revealing to me in my own personal time with him is real and not off track to his mission. 

I feel challenged and inspired after reading this book. 

One of the lines that has stuck with me in the book is a scene that Jen and her husband play out during an Easter service. When God reveals to them what the church should look like. It's a powerful God moment that I felt chills as I read the words. Pretty raw and real words. 

And my prayer after reading this has been for God to reveal to me how to love people like he does. Tangibly. Spiritually. But mostly to reveal to me how to love on his people that cross my daily path. 

buy Interrupted here.