Sharing About Christmas in January, Why Not?!
Christmas has come and gone. It was a so nice to have our family in town to celebrate Christmas with us. My mom and step dad, my brother and his girlfriend, plus my Grandparents were all here for Christmas.
We packed in as much as we could, but also had lots of fun shopping, hiking and lazy days at home with each other.
We made Christmas cookies that were gone in just a few days.
We celebrated Christmas eve with games + appetizers, just the way we like it.
Christmas Eve service with the family.
We had such a fun time with family. The world kinda shuts down for me when my family is in town. I take a break from the blog and social media and just try to enjoy as much time with them as I can.
Christmas Day I sat around my dining table and not only was my table full, but my heart was too. So full to have all this family sitting around the table with each other. Clanking dishes, conversation and laughter filling my home. It was just the best.