READ:: It Starts with Food

I'm almost at the end of my Whole30 journey. I've mentioned several times before how I loved reading this book. It truly was the most valuable resource in terms of understanding the "why" behind Whole30 and the foods you put into your body. 

I highly suggest reading this book before starting the Whole30 eating plan. I kinda cringe even calling Whole30 and eating plan because really it's a lifestyle change made more than anything else. 

This book will help you sort out the whys behind it all, the science behind it all and give you lots of great tips along the way. I really enjoyed the meal map and meal planning sections in the back of the book. I also found the section about kids and their eating helpful & insightful as I have children of my own who I'll be transitioning to this lifestyle. 

This book is a great companion to have during your Whole30 journey. I found myself referring to it several times over the last 23 days. If you're thinking about doing Whole30 I suggest picking up a copy of It Starts with Food first and then diving in, you'll feel more confident after reading this book for sure! 

purchase yours here.