My Fitness Journey: Keeping the Weight Off for ONE Year!

It's been a whole year of keeping the weight off! From losing 65+ pounds you can read more about that here. 

Last year around this time, I was so happy to have met my goal after a year. I wanted to loose the baby weight and get back to a healthy weight since I was over weight to begin with when I got pregnant with Zane. At the time I knew I was over weight but looking back on photos and videos of myself during that time it was really eye opening to see just how off track I was.

I started my fitness journey in April 2013 and spending much of the rest of the year and into 2014 loosing weight and developing a healthier lifestyle. My goal after that year was over was to maintain my weight loss and continue to try new things fitness wise. 

I tried new fitness programs, started running, did my first 5K, did one round of Whole30 and currently working on my second. Daily trying new things and pushing myself was part of the goal. 

I'm not perfect, sometimes I don't work out everyday. I have ice cream with my kiddos every now and again. Sometimes I indulge in a few to many Dr. Peppers. But the one thing that remains the same is my commitment to my health, to living a better life. To practicing healthier habits, to never stop trying and never giving up on myself and this one body God has given me to do great things.

After two years now fitness, exercise and eating well are all apart of my everyday life. They are things that have become habit to me that I incorporate daily into my life. 

If you're starting a fitness journey of your own I encourage you to not stop, don't give up and surround yourself with people who can cheer you on! 

It's worth it, so very worth it. You won't ever regret making a change to be a healthier version of yourself.