MAY Goals.

Oh goodness! How can April be already over? I can't take it. This year is moving by way to quickly. April just totally got away from me. We put on home on the market at the end of March and it went under contract in 5 days! 5 days! It was nuts. We spent the next three weeks house hunting. We put in several offers on homes, and got out bid or not picked on several. We looked some more and are currently under contract pending our home sells. It's a tricky process needing to sell one home before purchasing another. 

I caught a brief  and much needed break at the end of April when I spent 5 days with the Thrive Moms Leadership team! These mamas, oh man..... I'm so glad they're in my life. I can't wait to share more of my trip with you. 

So here's the thing April was busy. It was good to me. I read a couple new books, things are moving along with the home buying process, I planned blog posts and go ahead of that game. I started packing my home to move. 

Looking towards May I've got two simple goals. This month is going to be crazy, we're set to close on both homes the end of May. In between that Ava is finishing Pre-K, she's got a kinder screening for her new school, I'm coordinating a wedding this weekend. And we have to pack and move our entire house + do some minor repairs on our current home. I'm tired just thinking about it all. 

My goals for MAY:

1. Purge + Clean // This is a must when moving. I'm excited to purge my closet. I'm having some friends over Monday and I'm gonna just let them pick through and take what they want from the items I'm getting rid of. The leftovers will go to Goodwill. 

2. Pack + Move // I've already started packing. I've got 22 days to finish the rest. 

What are some of your goals for the month? Share them in the comments below.