READ:: Mended by Angie Smith

I read two Angie Smith books in a row, I was a blubbering mess. Her books are deep, and they are a perfect compliment to my deep thinking, emotional side. I love her writing and the was she just makes the gospel real. This book was so different. 

Mended are lots of different stories of brokenness and how God uses our brokenness to make something whole and beautiful. I love this thought and I love how God can use anything in our lives that we go through to minister and bring glory to his name. 

Mended has a bit different style to it, in that there's a story followed by application questions and things to think about. And at the end of each passage there's a prayer that she prays over you and one that you can pray yourself. 

It really is a great book, I enjoyed hearing her stories and those of others. It made me remember all that God has brought me through. All that he's done in me, and all that I have surrendered to the Father.