DIY Disney Autograph Books

Last year when we went to Disneyland we didn't collect any character autographs, I didn't even think about it and by the time I did I didn't like any of the options to buy in the Disney shops. 

I wanted something a little more simple and clean. So I decided with a few supplies that I would make my own for us to take to Disneyland this year. These were super simple and easy to put together. Here's how I did it. 


I found these hard cover books sold in sets of 3 in the 'Dollar Spot' at Target. I also found these Disney themed stickers in the greeting card section there as well. I loved these stickers again because they were simple and just Mickey themed not a whole bunch of characters. 

I placed a coordinating Mickey sticker for Zane, and Minnie on the fronts for the girls. Then using a Sharpie wrote a header and their names. On the backs I used smaller stickers and wrote the year so we'd remember. 

I wrote these myself with a black sharpie. If you aren't loving your hand writing you could use a stencil as well. I just love how simple they turned out. 

I found these cups at our local Frys grocery store and knew they'd be perfect to pair together as a great gift to give the kids before leaving for Disney! They loved them and had fun giving each of their books to the characters they met. 

Zane fell in love with Sleeping Beauty right away. She thought he was darling as well. 

Ava loved getting to meet Tinkerbell this year, since she didn't get to see her last year. I plan on putting pictures of each of them with the coordinating characters in their autograph books. We had each character purposely write on every other page so that we could attach a picture to the pages and also make it a photo scrapbook of the trip. I also plan on gluing their ticket stubs inside the books. 

These were simple and easy to do, and more personal that what you'd find at the gift shops. If you give this project a try I'd love to see them, tag me on Instagram @andreamworley

I can't wait to share more of our recent Disneyland trip in these next couple weeks. We had so much fun this year. Disney just does everything right and it's been so much fun spending another vacation there.