Ava's First Day of Kindergarten!

We've been talking about Kindergarten since Pre-K graduation in May, it feels like forever ago. We've spent all Summer long continuing to help her learn and grow as a student. And now it's here. Ava started kindergarten this week. 

I can hardly believe my little girl is old enough to go to school. It makes all my emotions as a mama run high and gives me all sorts of glimpses into the future. I'm a planner, over thinker and sharer by nature. Already my mind is thinking about all the things she'll learn and do as a kindergartner. I'm already thinking about how we'll be involved at her new school as a family. 

One thing is certain, we are in a new season and new phase of life for sure. 

As we prepared all summer, as uniforms were dropped at our doorstep by the postman and as I took my two little ones to buy school supplies it all became so real in those moments that this was happening. 

I'm not wishing it away, I love watching her grow and learn new things. I was more emotional dropping her off last year at Pre-K than I was this year. This year, it's so different. She's so confident, she's so ready. 

She's taking on her role as a big girl and owning it. And I couldn't be more proud of her for being brave. Being brave at a new school where she knows no one, and making new friends. Being brave to leave the comforts of being at home at day for school. 

When we drooped her off this week on the very first day she confidently walked in, sat at her desk, smiled and waved bye to me and her brother. 

As we were walking away Zane burst into tears screaming " I miss Aba." My heart melted for him, but I knew her home coming at the end of the day would be just as sweet for him and it was. He missed her so much that first day and the next he kept asking when we were gonna go get her. So so sweet. 

So now as we enter a new phase of life, of parents of a school age kid I look forward to all that it will bring. I'm looking forward to seeing how she grows this year. I'm looking forward to being involved in her school and education. And feeling extremely blessed to have her at the school she's at. 

Ok, mamas. Who sent their kiddos back to school this week? Tell me your stories in the comments below. Any other kinder mamas out there?