I can hardly believe we're in August already, seriously where has the year gone?! I really enjoy writing out, and dreaming up monthly goals. It helps keep me focused on where we're going as a family and what we need to accomplish both personally and as a family. 

I blinked and July flew by. Right after we got home from vacation is when I had my back injury. Unplanned and certainly has set me back a bit. I wasn't as productive because of this set back. 

So let's review July goals before we jump into this month. You can read the original post here. I did crank out a whole bunch of things before we even on vacation so that was nice.

1. Work on 1 new house project: we installed a bunch of different light fixtures, and replaces some and moved the ceiling fan from down stairs to upstairs.

2. Go on 2 dates this month: we only made it on 1 date this month, but it was to celebrate our anniversary which was a lot of fun.

3. Start family evening walks: we only did this once this month. I forgot how hot it still is here in Phoenix in July, so that was part of the problem. 100 degrees is still to hot at 6pm. 

4. Buy jogging stroller: Check done! I got one before we went to Disneyland, and tested it out. I haven't been running with it yet, but can't wait to see how it goes. I'm hoping to review the one I got, it's a more affordable one that I think will work great!

5. Get my shop back up & running: This didn't happen. I'd planned to work on this after we got home from vacation but then my injury. 

6. Buy all Ava's school supplies: Done. We spent the day and got all of her supplies. Her uniforms came in the mail and we're all set for school next week.

7. Turn off social media from 4-8pm: This also didn't happen like I'd planned, so I'm moving it to this month and hoping to make this more of a priority.

8. Organize & Clean garage: Done. We're still unpacking and the garage is a mess, but I was able to unpack quite a bit before leaving on vacation, and then organized things. I also hung my wreaths in the garage, organized the tools and paint supplies.

Here's my goals for August:

1. Get my shop back up & running: I've got new products to list, and want to have a major sale to clear some inventory, stay tuned!

2. Turn off social media from 4-8 pm: Again, moving this here and trying to make it a priority.

3. Test Drive Cars: We've been a one car family for 7 years, the time has come to start the process of buying a new car. I've been doing a lot of research and hoping to test drive some of my choices this month and narrow it down.

4. Work on guest room/office Makeover: I'm partnering with an auction house to make over this space and need to get started on it this month. 

5. Read 2 new books.

6. Start running again.

7. Work on board and batten for the living room.

What are some of your goals for the month? I'd love to hear them in the comments below.