Community & Setting the Table.

Happy Monday friends! Today I want to talk about community and what it means to prepare our hearts. 

As I was setting the table for family dinner one night God was gently reminding me that community starts here at setting the table. Not so much not literally but more it starts with preparing our hearts for community to happen. 

That could mean stepping outside your comfort zone, that could mean opening your home when you don't usually, that could mean freeing up more time in your schedule when you know you need to cultivate relationships. 

I truly believe that we all want and desire God given community, but it's not just going to drop in our laps. We have to make it happen, we have to step outside of ourselves and create it. This is where we set the table, join me for today's chat; 

In what ways do you feel God's nudging to 'set the table?' In what ways can you go outside your comfort zone and create an atmosphere for community? Can you read out this week to someone and begin creating community?