My Lil' Kickers + A Giveaway

For the past six weeks we've been testing the waters in soccer. My kiddos have been attending the Lil' Kickers program at the American Sports Center in Avondale. Lil Kickers is designed with classes in mind for children between the ages of 18 mo- 9 years. 

With a variety of classes to choose from, and well trained coaches we thought this would be the perfect way to introduce our kiddos to the sport. 

We love that each of our kiddos could go at the same time to an age appropriate class. We could sit and watch both of them and they each had their own class and experience which was fun for them. 

Ava really excelled and loved soccer these last few weeks, even keeping up with all the boys and being the only girl in her class. 

This was the first time Zane had tried any organized sport or class of this type and for the most part at two and a half he did pretty well. He enjoyed being able to run around and play with other kids. 

We really enjoyed our experience with Lil Kickers and the American Sports Centers in Avondale and can't wait to try out more classes. What I really love about their Lil Kickers program is that they fun for 6 weeks, take a week off and start back again. So you're able to try out classes for a session but if you're child needs to take a break or doesn't like their class they aren't committed for an entire year. Classes start back up again on December 1st. To find out more about the Lil Kickers program visit their site here. 

American Sports Centers in Avondale and the Lil Kickers program is generously offering one of my reader 6 FREE Sessions to their Lil Kickers program! Use the Rafflecopter below for your entries. 


Disclosure: I was offered 6 complimentary sessions for the purpose of this review, all thoughts and opinions are my own.