My Word for 2017: A B U N D A N C E

Each year I like to pick a word to center my year around. To focus my heart on. Last year my word was 'Gather' you can read more about that here

As I sat down to think, pray and plan for 2017 a few words and themes kept coming to mind. But one that stuck out more than all the rest was Abundance. 

John 10:10 says;

"I came so that they may have life and have it more abundantly."

Jesus has called us to live this abundant life. He came, he died and made the ultimate sacrifice for us so that we may live an abundant life.

Abundance means overflowing fullness, beyond expectations or extremely plentiful. When I looked at my life I had to ask myself;

"Am I willing to go after the life that Jesus makes available?" 

Have I?

I think in some cases and some circumstances I'd say yes, but to a lot of it I realized there was apart of me that wasn't living in the fullness of Christ's abundance for me out of fear. Fear of what people would think or say. Fear of the unknown. Fear of trying and of failure. Silly things really.

I know that I'm am meant to live this life to the fullest. Christ did so much for me I need to live this life in obedience to Him and completely to the fullest. 

An abundance of His.....






Not just for myself but toward others too. Keeping these things on my heart and focusing my mind on them. What follows this obedience is the blessing of Christ. There is blessing in the following. Life is found in the following of Jesus. 

So this year I want to walk in his fullness. I want to do the things I've said I wanted to do. Take risks, take chances, try new things. Live life in his fullness with out fear or doubt. Expecting great things. 

Walking in his wholeness, in abundance.