N O V E M B E R Goals.

For me November officially kicks off the holiday season. Truth, I'm fighting the urge to start decorating for Christmas. I know, I know there's a lot of nay sayers about that, but I can't help it I just love Christmas and everything about the season I want it to last forever. 

Maybe we could call it Thanksmas. 

A little October goals recap first;

We did make it up North to the pumpkin patch which crossed off two goals pumpkin patch & escape to the mountains. I finished my Christmas shopping for my kiddos, and I read 1 new book. I can't wait to share my review of the book. I did not however finish the board and batten project yet. Ya'll this is taking me longer than it should. Every time I think I'm going to start it we get busy with other things and I forget all about it. So seriously, this month I'm gonna finish it.

Onto NOVEMBER Goals;

01. Pick out tile, door pulls and paint for our kitchen reno: We're planning a kitchen reno early next year. This month I want to nail down all those items and start saving up for the cost of it early. 

02. Read 3 new books: I've got so many on my list and with the holidays coming I really want to spend some time reading and relaxing. 

03. Host Thanksgiving: This year I'm hosting at my house. I can't wait to menu plan and get all the details together.

04. Continue running + add HIIT 3x/week: This is my new workout routine I've started and I'm loving it so far. With the temperature cooling down it's been perfect for running.

05. Start Christmas shopping for my Husband: So excited to get his gifts done early before December.

06. Plan Zane's Birthday Party: He's turning 3! Holy moly, I need to start planning. We're doing a super hero theme, and my parties always start with the invitation. I've narrowed down a few. 

So tell me what are some of your goals for the month? I'd love to hear them. Is goal setting ideal for you? I've been really loving monthly goals the last year and a half, it's helped keep me focused.