READ | Bittersweet by Shauna Niequist

Shauna Niequist is one of my very favorite authors, if you're not reading her books you totally should be. She has a way with words and a way of drawing you in. I love her short essay format of story telling and writing. 

This book is deeply personal, she shares stories of loss, tragedy and incredible joy. And I love the overall theme of this book that things can happen to us, and life can be both bitter and sweet all at the same time. 

Isn't that so true? That things can happen to us, we can make decisions for our life that can be both amazing and trying all at the same time?! I just love that because it's so true for my own life. There are experiences that I have that have been the high light and joy of my life. And then I've had experiences that have cut deeply and have been the most bittersweet ever. 

I loved reading every single page of this book. I love her vulnerability she shows in sharing her stories. She shows us that our stories matter, that our lives matter. Tell your story. Share it with the world. Someone needs to hear it. Learn from your story. Learn from your experiences and allow God to show you himself through them. 

If you're looking for a great book to kick off 2017 this is a good one! Grab your copy by clicking the link below.