When All I'm Called to Do is Love Jesus and His People.

A couple weeks ago at book club a friend and I were chatting about the pressure we put on ourselves, the pressure our Christian culture adds to finding out and figuring out "God's purpose and will for our lives." 

Most of my teenage years and early college was spent on this question; What is God's will for my life? Which was mostly circled around the major I was going to choose in college, and what I was going to do once I graduated. I put so much pressure on myself to have it all figured out by the time I graduated. I put so much pressure on myself to just choose one thing for Christ and go in that direction. 

And I'm willing to be you've felt similar feelings as well. In the last six years God has grown my faith and understanding of Him in ways that I never knew before. I've had to do a lot of letting go of my own expectations, others expectations, pressures of the church, and pressure that I put on myself to come to a better understanding of what God's will for my life is.


Here's what I know; when I strip away all of that God's biggest calling for my life is love him and love His people.  (Matt 6:5, 1 Cor. 13:13)

It's just as simple as that. 

No need to make it over complicated. No need to stress and fret. Because if I'm walking in love for Christ and his people anything I do in his name is significant for the kingdom. 

That means that I can be a dentist and do a lot of things for Christ. That means I can be a mama who just trying to raise her babies to love Jesus and make a big impact for Christ. That means no matter my vocation or what I'm doing in my life as long as I'm doing it in love of the Father this will always be his will for my life. 

Today I want to encourage you to let yourself off the hook, let your expectations go of what you thought things would look like, let the pressures you feel in life fade away.  

And ask yourself this question; If I love Jesus and my desires is to make him known what impact can I make on his kingdom right where I'm at in what I am doing?

The answer to that question is God's will for you. You can never go wrong by loving Jesus and His people.