My Whole30 Journey Completed

Hi Friends! I'm back sharing my completed Whole30 journey with you! I completed Whole30 in the first week in March, but then my Grandma went into the hospital which has been occupying my time for the last few weeks.

But finally I got a video up, and included some photos of what I've been eating during Whole30. Let me know if you have any questions about that. We're planning on doing another round of Whole30 at the end of the month, this time with my Husband. 

I hope you enjoyed the video, I'd love to hear your thoughts on Whole30. Have you done it yet? Interested in trying it? Let me know in the comments below.

Whole30 Half Way Point

I'm more than halfway through my Whole30 journey this month. I wanted to check in with you guys and give you an update on how it's been going. I made a little video for you guys checking in and giving some of my thoughts on food, my body and symptoms that I had before starting Whole30. 

I'd love to hear from you, have you done Whole30 before? What was your experience? 

Have you not done it? Are you inspired to try? Let me know in the comments below. 

Whole30 for the Month of February

Hi Friends! Happy Wednesday! Today, I wanted to share with you the beginning of my Whole30 journey. I've attempted Whole30 once before and felt very unprepared so it was a bust. I got my act together this time and I'm doing it. I'm officially on Day 4 and so far so good. 

I created a little video talking about my intro and thoughts about this next month. You can watch below.

I highly suggest buying the book 'It Starts with Food' this really helped me understand the "why" and science behind our food and what we should avoid. You can pick up the book here.

Follow my Whole30 journey using the hashtag #andreaswhole30 on Instagram & Twitter. Also subscribe to my YouTube channel here, I'll be posting more videos there as well. 

*affiliate link used

Keeping Healthy During Cold & Flu Season with Young Living Essential Oils

I've mentioned before how I've been using essential oils this year. You an read more about that here.  Cold and flu season is upon us. 

I enjoy using essential oils for my family and have seen a difference sine using them. Today I want to share with you some ways using essential oils during this season.


One oil that I always love to have on hand is Thieves! If I could only have one oil to use for the rest of my days it would be this one! There's so many uses for it. I diffuse this regularly everyday. I also place it on the bottoms of my children's feet with a carrier oil (such as coconut oil) each day. 

Every morning we have a routine of oils and this is always in the mix. I especially love using it on the days my daughter goes to Pre-K. 

Lemon is also a favorite of mine. 

Another favorite of our family's is RC! It is calming and uplifting. We rub it on our kids chests with a carrier oil. 

I love using my diffuser and having it going while I'm making the kids breakfast in the mornings.

Using Young Living essential oils this year have been a life changer for us. If you're interested in learning more I'd love for you to email me and I'd be happy to chat with you and give you more info! 

Young Living Oils are created by Gary Young. Don Gary Young wanted to share his dream with others by creating the best essential oil lines in the world. The benefits of essential oils can range from relaxation, stress relieving and overall wellness. Read the Essential Oils Guide here:

This post is sponsored by Young Living Essential oils, all thoughts and opinions are 100% my own! These statements are not endorsed by the FDA they are my own experiences based on my personal use and opinion. 

My Favorite FREE Fitness Resources

Don't let the excuse of not being able to afford a gym membership stop you from pursuing your fitness goals. For a year and a half I've been working out at home using free resources to meet my fitness goals. Today I wanted to share with you some of my favorite free resources. I hope it inspires you to get back on track and take back your health. 

Favorite Work Out Video Resources

These are two of my fave workout video resources. I use them both on a weekly basis to keep my work outs fresh and not boring. Each of them offer a variety of work outs, and great posts on fitness and over all health. Check them out, click the links below.

Favorite Fitness Blogs

Fitness blogs are a great way to gain motivation and inspiration, they are also filled with great stories and articles for food and meal planning. Here are a few of my favorites. 

Honey We're Healthy

Mama Laughlin

Skinny Meg

Favorite Meal Resources

Diet is an important part of any weight loss or health journey, here's a few of my favorite resources for meal planning and healthier versions of food! 

Skinny Taste

Balanced Bites

Whole 30

Favorite Fitness Instagram Accounts







Ok, there you have it! All my go-to resources that I like to use and have used during the last year and a half. The best part is they are all free, it gives you a place to start and no more excuses!  

What are some of your favorite fitness and health resources? Leave their links in the comments below. I'm always looking for more ideas!