My Favorite FREE Fitness Resources

Don't let the excuse of not being able to afford a gym membership stop you from pursuing your fitness goals. For a year and a half I've been working out at home using free resources to meet my fitness goals. Today I wanted to share with you some of my favorite free resources. I hope it inspires you to get back on track and take back your health. 

Favorite Work Out Video Resources

These are two of my fave workout video resources. I use them both on a weekly basis to keep my work outs fresh and not boring. Each of them offer a variety of work outs, and great posts on fitness and over all health. Check them out, click the links below.

Favorite Fitness Blogs

Fitness blogs are a great way to gain motivation and inspiration, they are also filled with great stories and articles for food and meal planning. Here are a few of my favorites. 

Honey We're Healthy

Mama Laughlin

Skinny Meg

Favorite Meal Resources

Diet is an important part of any weight loss or health journey, here's a few of my favorite resources for meal planning and healthier versions of food! 

Skinny Taste

Balanced Bites

Whole 30

Favorite Fitness Instagram Accounts







Ok, there you have it! All my go-to resources that I like to use and have used during the last year and a half. The best part is they are all free, it gives you a place to start and no more excuses!  

What are some of your favorite fitness and health resources? Leave their links in the comments below. I'm always looking for more ideas!