READ: The Best Yes by Lysa Terkeurst

This was my October book I read. Ya'll it was sooo good! I have to tell you I almost didn't read it because I totally pre-judged the content of this book based on the title. Gasp!

I thought this book was going to be about learning how to say "yes" and "no" to things that people ask of you and I thought to myself I'm already pretty great at that so I probably don't need to read this book.


Although the book is about making wise decisions, learning to say yes to the right things and no to the things that don't it's so much more than that and here's why! 

The Best Yes is about knowing your part in God's kingdom. Knowing his plan for your life, your calling and how to make the best "yes" decisions based on those things. 

I love that so much because to often we say yes to things that we don't really want to do, that we have no passion for, and stuff that we don't really care about only to please someone else or make them happy. Mean while we're not saying yes to the things God wants us to do. The things that he's set aside for us that are waiting for us.

I know I've made decisions before based out of what I think people will say, fear and insecurity. And just left God totally out of the question. One of my favorite quotes from the book:

" If we want his direction for our decisions, the greatest cravings for our souls must not only be the big moments of assignment. They must also be the seemingly small instructions in the most ordinary of moments when God points His Spirit finger saying, Go there."

There are so many good nuggets of wisdom in this book, I know that if you read it you will find that too. For me it opened pieces of my heart and desires that I forgot were even there, it opened my eyes to realize don't just say yes because you think others want you too, say yes because God does. Because it furthers his Kingdom, because it's part of the plan he has for you. 

"A woman who lives with the stress of an overwhelmed schedule will often ache with the sadness of an underwhelmed soul."

The Best Yes is about honoring God with the time we have to give. I really love this thought because isn't it so true? I want to honor God with my time and not just fill my schedule because I can. 

I really think this is a book for all women no matter what the stage of life you're in. There's wisdom I think all of us can pull from it. 

If you've read this book I'd love it if you'd leave your own thoughts below on what you learned from it.

If you haven't yet read this I encourage you to read it in this new year!