Holy wow! Can you believe that it's December 1st today?! I can. not. I realized yesterday that we're 17 days away from Zane turning two! I can't hardly believe it, he's grown so much over these last few months into a little boy. My little mommy heart can't take it. So as if December isn't crazy enough with Christmas, throw in a birthday and let's take it over the top. I for sure don't want him to fall into the December birthday trap and not celebrate it. 

So we will be celebrating his birthday just a few days before Christmas. #iwillsurvive

Ok, so let's quick review some awesome things that happened in November. 

I addressed all my Christmas cards, I kind feel like a rock star! 

I read two new books.

I successfully prepped and sold at my very first show last month. It was fun exposing everyone to my new stationary stuff and getting to talk to customers. 

We decorated our home for the holidays. It's nice to start December with a fully decorated home for Christmas. 


01// Read one new book.

This has been one of my favorite goals every month. I'm reading so much more now.

02// Work on a house project.

Ahhh.... we haven't worked on a house project for months. I'd like to tackle some projects this month. My step dad will be in town this month to help us with some stuff.

03// Finish Christmas shopping for Orion.

I finished all my shopping for my kiddos, their gifts are wrapped and hiding in my closet. Not so much for the Hubby. I need to finish for him.

04// Clean & de clutter my office for house guests.

We've got guests coming into town and they are using our guest room/office. But last month it was my shipping/prep for Phoenix flea and it's a mess in there. I gotta get it cleaned up before they get here.

05// Plan a service project to do while family is in town.

Orion and I both want to plan something missional to do while our family is in town. It's important for us to keep the reason on giving back to others during this time. And I think it would be really fun to do this as a family.