They are called to adopt from the country of Haiti and have been in the adoption process since early last year. When Jessie first told me of their adoption plans, I was thrilled for them. Admittedly at the time I really didn't know that much about the adoption process, but their family has taken all of us on a journey with them. I found myself cheering for my friend as I would with any other life event. Praying for them, and asking the Lord how I could help. God is so clear in his word about taking care of widows and orphans.
I know adoption is huge calling, one maybe everyone won't have. However just because you aren't called to go through the adoption process and bring a child into your home doesn't mean we aren't called to care for orphans. Because I love the Lord and my desire is to further his Kingdom, I am called to care for orphans and help those who do. God revealed this to me one day during my prayer time.
Over the last few months I've been praying and asking God for a way to help. Here's what he put on my heart; to use my social influence and my blogging connections for an auction. So that's what I ran with.
I've put together an auction with 20+ amazing shop owners, 100% of the proceeds with go to the Papia family.
This auction will take place February 25th at noon (mountain time) and run through Friday noon. On my Instagram account, follow me at @andreamworley if you aren't already. You will have a chance to bid on many items during that time frame. Winners will be announced and invoiced.
I would love for you to share this with your friends, family, co-workers and anyone you wish. Help me spread the word about this wonderful family and this auction to help them. If you are a shop and are interested in donating please email me by Feb. 22nd