Coffee Date// Using the Internet for Good.

Hi Friends! Happy Friday! There's just a couple hours left to participate in the Instagram auction to benefit the Papia family's adoption! Jump on over to Instagram find me @andreamworley & bid!

We've got dance pictures this weekend for Miss Ava, and we're taking a family trip to the aquarium. Plus, I wanna give a shout out to one of my very best friends Becky, on her birthday today! 

Have a happy weekend! 

READ:: It Starts with Food

I'm almost at the end of my Whole30 journey. I've mentioned several times before how I loved reading this book. It truly was the most valuable resource in terms of understanding the "why" behind Whole30 and the foods you put into your body. 

I highly suggest reading this book before starting the Whole30 eating plan. I kinda cringe even calling Whole30 and eating plan because really it's a lifestyle change made more than anything else. 

This book will help you sort out the whys behind it all, the science behind it all and give you lots of great tips along the way. I really enjoyed the meal map and meal planning sections in the back of the book. I also found the section about kids and their eating helpful & insightful as I have children of my own who I'll be transitioning to this lifestyle. 

This book is a great companion to have during your Whole30 journey. I found myself referring to it several times over the last 23 days. If you're thinking about doing Whole30 I suggest picking up a copy of It Starts with Food first and then diving in, you'll feel more confident after reading this book for sure! 

purchase yours here. 

Papia Family Adoption Fundraiser

Today is a very special blog post, I get to introduce you to a family that is near to my family's heart. Jessie is a friend of mine from college, who just happened to meet and fall in love with one of my Husband's really good friends. You know that moment when two people you love start dating each other, it's like the most perfect thing and you're just excited that you all get to be friends forever. This is one of those stories. I love their story, and I love how God has used them and how he's called them. 

Jessie is one of my oldest friends. She was in my wedding, and my husband and I were in theirs. We were pregnant together with our first babies, and have promised them in marriage to one another...... I kid. Sorta.

She has walked through some of the toughest times in life with me, and I am proud and very lucky to call her friend. 

Jimmy and my husband went through a discipleship program together called Master's Commission, they were also college roommates. This friendship runs deep. 

I invite you to watch this quick video, and hear their hearts. 

They are called to adopt from the country of Haiti and have been in the adoption process since early last year. When Jessie first told me of their adoption plans, I was thrilled for them. Admittedly at the time I really didn't know that much about the adoption process, but their family  has taken all of us on a journey with them. I found myself cheering for my friend as I would with any other life event. Praying for them, and asking the Lord how I could help. God is so clear in his word about taking care of widows and orphans. 

I know adoption is huge calling, one maybe everyone won't have. However just because you aren't called to go through the adoption process and bring a child into your home doesn't mean we aren't called to care for orphans. Because I love the Lord and my desire is to further his Kingdom, I am called to care for orphans and help those who do. God revealed this to me one day during my prayer time. 

Over the last few months I've been praying and asking God for a way to help. Here's what he put on my heart; to use my social influence and my blogging connections for an auction. So that's what I ran with. 

I've put together an auction with 20+ amazing shop owners, 100% of the proceeds with go to the Papia family.

This auction will take place February 25th at noon (mountain time) and run through Friday noon. On my Instagram account, follow me at @andreamworley if you aren't already. You will have a chance to bid on many items during that time frame. Winners will be announced and invoiced. 

I would love for you to share this with your friends, family, co-workers and anyone you wish. Help me spread the word about this wonderful family and this auction to help them. If you are a shop and are interested in donating please email me by Feb. 22nd 

Whole30 Half Way Point

I'm more than halfway through my Whole30 journey this month. I wanted to check in with you guys and give you an update on how it's been going. I made a little video for you guys checking in and giving some of my thoughts on food, my body and symptoms that I had before starting Whole30. 

I'd love to hear from you, have you done Whole30 before? What was your experience? 

Have you not done it? Are you inspired to try? Let me know in the comments below. 

Whole30 Beef Taco Soup

If you're following along you know I've been doing Whole30 since the beginning of February. It's been going well, and today I wanted to share with you one of the foods that I've been loving eating. I've made this soup three times already in the last couple weeks. It's super easy to make and the perfect alternative to the traditional tortilla soup. I added a few of my own additions after making it a few times. 

Whole30 Beef Taco Soup (adapted from the It Starts with Food book.)

1 pound ground beef

2 tablespoons homemade taco seasoning

1 zucchini, chopped

2 tomatoes, chopped

1 handful cilantro, chopped

1 red onion, chopped

1 lime, squeezed for juice

2 avocados, chopped

2 16 ounce cans of beef broth

Brown meat in a stock pot, add in taco seasoning and mix together. Then add in the zucchini, onion, cilantro, and lime. Bring all of it to a boil and stir. Simmer for 15 minutes. Dish up and serve with fresh avocado on top and maybe a sprinkle of cilantro on top for good measure. 

You could also add red and green bell peppers to this soup if you like. 

This is a really good soup. Both my husband and I loved this soup. Let me know if you try it and your thoughts.