Easy DIY Vacation Jars

I'm back with a fun DIY today! We've been making these vacation jars as we like to call them for the last couple years, they couldn't be more simple to make. These are all from our vacations to the beach, but you could use any items that you collect in any city on your vacations. 

I used these labels I found in the Target Dollar Spot, I wrote the location and the year and placed them on top of the mason jars. I bought my mason jars using 50% off coupons from JoAnn Fabrics. 

Fill'er up with all your little vacation momentos and you're good to go! 

They turned out so great, and Ava keeps these on her dresser. What ways do you keep memories for your family vacations? I'd love to hear them in the comments below. 


March was a crazy month. We pretty much spend the entire first half working on our cabinets. Finally they are finished! I'll have a post next week on how we painted them.

We celebrated Ava's birthday. We took her to build a bear and to get her ears pierced. She's six now and we can hardly believe it. 

I started a new business adventure with Younique and God's been blowing me away this month! 

Now onto April goals;

I've got a leadership retreat with Thrive Moms coming up at the end of this month. I'm excitedly preparing for that. That's probably when I'm going to read 2 new books, plane goals! We're planning on taking the kids to Legoland this May so I want to get all our tickets bought and paid for this month. Also, I'd love to reach Pink Status with my business this month and go on at least two dates with my husband. 

What are some of your goals for the month? Share them in the comments below. 

Knowing Jesus More vs. Being Known.

Saturday morning I headed to a meeting at our church. I grabbed my cup of coffee and headed out the door, armed with my notepad for taking notes during this meeting time together. This meeting was for the ladies in our church to take part in the planning process for an event coming up. There were several new ladies at this even including myself, the leader asked us all to go around the table and share two things about ourselves. She asked us to share our name and how long we'd been attending the church. 

About seven other ladies spoke before it got around the table for myself. As I sat there watching and listening to each and every one of them I noticed something. I noticed that each of them were sharing more than the two things asked of us. They were sharing about their families, their kids, their husbands, bits and pieces of their story. 

I realized very quickly that something that could have taken just a few minutes to go around the table started to take much longer and a huge chunk of time was spent letting the women around that table share freely. What stood out even more so clearly to me that day was that as humans we desire to be known. 

God made us this way. We want to be known, we want to be validated and uplifted. Heck, one of my love languages if words of affirmation. I totally get it. We want nothing more than to share our stories and hear that we matter, that they matter. 

As it quickly became my turn to speak I breezed through my intro and let the other person after me speak and I felt the Holy Spirit remind me that;

We must balance our desire to be known and validated with knowing Jesus more. 

Jesus knows our deep longing and desires to be know because this is they way he created us to worship him. He wants us to be known by him, he wants us to draw ourselves nearer to him in order to fill this need he created in us. 

One of the ways I practice this in my daily life is by digging into his word, and knowing exactly who God says he is and his promises for us. If we're not in God's word we can't know his goodness and his promises for us. This helps nurture and grow our relationship with Him. I hope that you're encouraged today to dig deeper into what God has waiting for you through His word. I pray you read those scriptures and rest in his promises. 

God is for you. He won't fail you, you are His. 

What I'm Coveting for Mother's Day!

I've been wanting to get a bike for some time now, and I spotted this one from Target last Summer and then never pulled the trigger on it. It's back in stock and been haunting me ever since. I've made it known to the family that this is what I want for Mother's Day. ;)

When we moved last Spring we moved into a home that has all sorts of walking and bike trails behind our home. It's so fun watching families take advantage everyday of these, I love seeing them zip by while we're out in our backyard. 

Schwinn Women's Lulu 26" Cruiser Bike

I also found a ton of really great and cute options if you're looking for a beach cruiser bike like me. Here's a few of my faves;

So cute right?!! This one from Dick's Sporting Goods with the basket comes in as a close second choice. Which one is your favorite?