A friend approached be about reading this book together with a bunch of small biz owners. I jumped at the chance to read something together and discuss it along the way. I've always wanted to do a book club so this was really fun.
I'd never heard of this book before until I got my newsletter from B&H Publishing talking about new books that were out. And since I had just started a new small business myself after closing down my stationary shop this seemed like the perfect timing to read about "not being a quitter."
This book is a study on the book of Ruth in the Bible, and what lessons we can learn from Ruth about not quitting. Truthfully I was all in, Ruth what can you teach me? My favorite chapter what about what the author calls "emotional generosity." The idea being that we give people emotionally what we ourselves need.
Do we need more grace? Then give grace to others.
Do we need more love and people to be patient with us? Then give that to others. Realizing most of the time the same things we need from people we should also freely give to people.
I also loved the chapter where she talked about "fleeing to the familiar." How true is it that most of the time when we quit or give up it's because we want to flee to what's familiar? I know I have. But I've also learned that fleeing doesn't help, and what was once familiar is no longer once you've been out of that season for so long. Our minds and the devil want to play tricks on us and make us think if we could only get back to (fill in the blank) life would be better. Not true. There's a reason you are not in that season anymore.
This book was really challenging for me. If you are a person who's ever given up or wanted to give up on something I highly suggest reading this book! It'll challenge you to take a look at how God sees you and how he's designed your life.
You are not a quitter.
Now, go read this book!
you can buy this book here.