I finished this book last week during my kids' swim lessons. Side note; having 30 minutes each day to sit and watch my kids swim under the supervision of lifeguards and read was glorious!
Ok back to the book, this book was a re read for me. I read it years ago when it first came out. For those that don't know my husband and I were in full time ministry a few years ago and were out of full time ministry for the last few years. We're now pursuing church planting. So ministry is no stranger to me. Given the current season of life I decided that I wanted to read this book again.
This book is a must read if you are a pastor's wife or woman in ministry. I also think everything church goer should read this book to better understand your pastors job and the demands on their families.
This book covers so many topics as it relates to ministry, transition and change. I adore their hearts for pastor's wife and women in ministry and their honesty as they talk about their struggles they have had and lessons they have learned through the years.
You can pick up your copy below.