My Favorite Travel Accessories

I love traveling. It's one of my most favorite things to do, and we love to travel as a family as often as we can. This year I've been able to take a few trips by myself and have a few more coming this Fall. I have a few tried and true travel accessories that are my favorite and help make traveling easier. Today I thought I'd share with you a few of them and talk about how they make life a bit easier. Let's get into it! 

Travel wallet

Jewelry case

dirty clothes bag

make up brush roll (similar) *mine sold from walmart

glamour makeup case

hanging toiletry bag

*affiliate links used

Starting and Maintaining Healthy Routines.


I have been compensated by Sundown Naturals® and Pollinate Media Group for this post as part of a social shopper marketing insight campaign with Pollinate Media Group® and Sundown Naturals® but all my opinions are my own. #pmedia #GoodnessGiveaway #sharethegoodness

My body needed a reset a couple of weeks ago, I’m a big fan of doing fasts and cleanses as a way to reset your body and start new with your diet and exercise. I don’t know about you but this Summer with vacations and different things I haven’t been the best with my eating habits so I decided to do another round of Whole30. I did my first round of Whole30 over a year ago and loved it. I’ve been pretty much dairy free since before that and I’m slowing cutting out a few other things from my diet as I see how certain foods are affecting my body.

I’ve been wanting to add a regular vitamin routine into my diet for a while now. Recently I was shopping at Walmart for school supplies and thought I’d take a little walk down the vitamin aisle and see what they had. I came upon Sundown Naturals® in a whole bunch of gummy flavors, so I grabbed a few to try. I stocked up on Fish oil (for heart health), a probiotic and melatonin. They have a great selection at Walmart of Sundown Naturals® for yourself and the whole family. You can take a quick quiz here and see what gummy vitamins would be best for you.

One of the things I loved is that they are gluten free, dairy free and free of any artificial flavors◊! They are perfect for keeping within the diet restrictions that I am sticking to, along with using probiotics in yogurt. Also as I change my diet I wanted to start taking a multivitamin to make sure I was getting all the nutrients I could. Here’s the thing though, I do not like taking pills at all. It makes me choke every time. My kids take a gummy multivitamin, and I thought I need to search for an adult gummy! That would make everything so much easier, which is why I am so thankful to have found Sundown Naturals® adult gummies!

I also make it a point to continue to add in my daily workouts of running and weight training into living a healthy lifestyle. My Mom got me a Fitbit last Fall for my birthday and I’ve loved tracking my workouts there and keeping track of water intake as well. I love checking things off my list and seeing the little lights turn green once I’ve completed my goal!

Interested in trying Sundown Naturals® for yourself? Enter the Goodness Giveaway Sweepstakes today! Head into Walmart and purchase at least 1 Sundown Naturals® vitamin product for a chance to win weekly prize packages and a grand prize! Every week, one winner will be selected to choose from 1 of 4 prize packs – Yogi Pack, Fitness Pack, Foodie Pack, or a $100 Walmart Gift Card. Simply upload a picture of your receipt here and you are entered for a chance to win some incredible prizes now through 11/1!

What types of things do you add into your daily life to keep yourself on track? Drop them in the comments below I’d love to hear your suggestions!

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. ◊Applies to all products manufactured after 5/1/15. Please check back of label as manufacture dates may vary.


October is one of my favorite months, always. It's my birthday month, and it's the kick off to many exciting travels and events for our family. So October, I love you. We have a couple trips coming up this month, and I already feel like the month is crazy before it even begins. A good crazy. I'm so excited for all the things we have planned, but as I was sitting down thinking about this month I realized I just wanted to take it slow and just enjoy this month. Without packing it full of stuff I want to get done or things I think need to happen. 

So I came up with a small list of goals I want to try and accomplish this month.


  • $1000 PRS
  • host 3 parties
  • 15 orders


  • read 1 new book
  • work out 3x/week


  • 3 posts/week
  • record 1 new video/week
  • work on kitchen posts and new videos

READ | The Church Planting Wife by Christine Hoover

I'm back to share with you guys another book I've checked off my reading list. Friends, the car line has been so good for my reading game! I get about 45 minutes each day in the car line and I spend it reading. 

My husband and I have been feeling a calling to church planting, and this last year we've been taking the steps toward that. This book was suggested to my by a friend who is a fellow church planter with her husband. 

This book is full of helpful insight from a church planting wife, it's also full of stories from other church planting wives. A lot of the principles  and lessons in this book can really be applied to all types of ministry but it's written from the point of view of church planting. I found this really helpful as we've been navigating this process, and taking each day as a step toward what God has called us to. 

If you're in a similar season I highly suggest picking up this book and reading it. Grab your copy via the link below. 

*affiliate link used.. 

Let Us Not Throw Our Prayers Up Like Wishes.

All my important conversations these days with my kids happen in the car. Maybe it's because they are strapped in and can't go anywhere. Maybe it's because they are totally undistracted and have time to think and ask me all the hard stuff. Either way, it's happening. Anyone else with me?

A few weeks ago we were headed to school in the morning and my six year old daughter asked me;

"Mom, do wishes really come true?"

We started talking in the few moments that we had before I pulled into the school parking lot about wishes, when I finally got to the root of why she was asking me about wishes it was because she really wanted something and thought if she "wished" for it that maybe, just maybe that wish would come true and she'd get that toy she wanted. 

When we think about wishes we usually think magical thoughts, something that may or may not come true right? We kinda don't expect them to come true either, right? 

I kept thinking that entire day, how often do I throw my prayers up to God like wishes not even expecting them to come true? How many times do I not really seek the Lord's heart and pray seriously for the things that are on my heart, the things that I desire. 

The Lord challenged me that day; let us not be people who throw up our prayers to God like wishes. Instead let us pray, seek God, search his word for who he would want to fulfill our prayers. 

I know to often I take the spiritual discipline of prayer for granted. I know God is always there, but yet I often forget to take those cares to him. Often times I forget that God is in the business of answering those prayers, but I forget to ask. 

Matthew 7:7 tell us to Ask and it will be given to you. Seek and it will be given unto you. 

Today I am challenging myself and you to remember that truth today. To apply it. One practical way we can make our prayers more real is to write them down, keep a prayer journal. It doesn't have to be fancy but writing them down helps. Seeing how God has answered the prayers you've been praying is a powerful reminder of his faithfulness in your life.