All my important conversations these days with my kids happen in the car. Maybe it's because they are strapped in and can't go anywhere. Maybe it's because they are totally undistracted and have time to think and ask me all the hard stuff. Either way, it's happening. Anyone else with me?
A few weeks ago we were headed to school in the morning and my six year old daughter asked me;
"Mom, do wishes really come true?"
We started talking in the few moments that we had before I pulled into the school parking lot about wishes, when I finally got to the root of why she was asking me about wishes it was because she really wanted something and thought if she "wished" for it that maybe, just maybe that wish would come true and she'd get that toy she wanted.
When we think about wishes we usually think magical thoughts, something that may or may not come true right? We kinda don't expect them to come true either, right?
I kept thinking that entire day, how often do I throw my prayers up to God like wishes not even expecting them to come true? How many times do I not really seek the Lord's heart and pray seriously for the things that are on my heart, the things that I desire.
The Lord challenged me that day; let us not be people who throw up our prayers to God like wishes. Instead let us pray, seek God, search his word for who he would want to fulfill our prayers.
I know to often I take the spiritual discipline of prayer for granted. I know God is always there, but yet I often forget to take those cares to him. Often times I forget that God is in the business of answering those prayers, but I forget to ask.
Matthew 7:7 tell us to Ask and it will be given to you. Seek and it will be given unto you.
Today I am challenging myself and you to remember that truth today. To apply it. One practical way we can make our prayers more real is to write them down, keep a prayer journal. It doesn't have to be fancy but writing them down helps. Seeing how God has answered the prayers you've been praying is a powerful reminder of his faithfulness in your life.