EP 01: What Does It Mean to Flourish?

Welcome to the very first episode of the Flourish Together podcast! I’m so happy to have you listening in. Don’t forget to subscribe to the podcast here, and make sure you go leave us a rating & review on itunes, it helps me spread the message of the podcast even farther and helps others find it too!

Links mentioned in this episode:

The Road Back to You

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Returning to this Sacred Space.

For as long as I can remember I’ve been a writer. It started with my journals as a kid, and has grown from there. In case you missed it I took an un intentional break from this space for over a year now. It didn’t start out that way, but as my time and schedule began to fill up with other writing projects (that I loved working on) I started to feel less and less inspired to use this space. I through myself into the working I was doing for other publications and projects. I enjoyed so much what I was working on, and that was a good season.

Sometimes seasons end unexpectedly, as did this one. I took a break once again and took some time to think, pray and figure out what the next season might look like. I took a social media break for sometime, before returning with a clear mind and vision. And while I came back to my other platforms, this space remained silent. Intentionally.

This year, I challenged myself to flourish. To grow and change. God has done some awesome things in my heart this last year, that I’ve loved sharing with my community on social media. As I sit here on the last day of 2018, I know it’s time to return here. To share more words, more experiences, and more community than I can fit into tiny Instagram squares.

Tomorrow, I’m launching a podcast! Something that has been on my heart for a year now, it’s coming to fruition and I’m so excited to share it with you! You can listen to the trailer episode of the ‘Flourish Together’ podcast here. I hope you’ll subscribe and follow along, I’m so excited to share this journey with you!

Thank you to returning to this space with me, I’m so excited to continue to flourish together.


Hello February! How did we get here? Seriously, like how? I can't believe how fast January flew by. My goal is to take a moment to slow down, enjoy time together, and make sure we have room for margin. I'm really craving white space in our lives right now, to make sure we're not just filling our schedules but really being mindful. 

In January, we worked on making over our half bath. We painted. We got a new light fixture and hung up the mirror I bought months ago. It's really looking nice in there. We're planning on getting a new vanity in there as well. I'd like to continue to work on a least one home improvement project a month throughout this year. Hopefully it'll keep us on track to accomplish a lot of what we'd like to get done. 

I did my 4th round of Whole30 last month, and then I got sick for 2 weeks. I still pushed through with my Whole30 but getting sick really didn't help me stay on track with my workouts. I'd like to get back on track and start being more consistent with my work out routine. And I'm now ready to fully transition into a Paleo lifestyle, my mission this month is to try and find a good set of recipes that my family and I love to put onto the dinner rotation.

And lastly, I'm building a brand new business with LimeLight, I couldn't be more excited and I have so many goals I can't wait! Here's what's on my goal list this month;


  • Read 2 new books.
  • Work Out 3x/week


  • Refinish kids bathroom cabinets
  • Come Up with 30 solid Paleo meals for dinner rotation
  • Gather info & Work on Taxes


  • $2400 PRV
  • Recruit 2 new Beauty Guides
  • Rank to Lead Beauty Guide


What are your goals for February? Let me know in the comments below. 

Plan With Me In 2017!

Are you a planner person? Over the year I've used many different planners, digital and paper. I've learned that paper planners for me are the way to go! I love using fun pens and stickers to make it fun and happy! I thought it would be fun to take you along with me in 2017 in how I plan my weeks and days. 

Are you a paper planner gal or do you use something else? Let me know in the comments below how you like to plan for the new year! 


Happy January friends! We're just a few short days into the new year and I'm excited! With the start of a new year it brings excitement and anticipation. I've already been organizing all the things. I've tackled my kitchen, my master closet and my kiddos rooms. It's been wonderful to go through de-clutter and get rid of things. And then organize them. 

This year I decided with my goals I wanted to focus small and intentional. Not getting caught up in feeling like there has to be many each month but more small and focused. Again, I'm focusing on categories and I'm going to tell you the "why" behind each of them which I haven't done in a while. So here we go!


  • Read 1 new book- I want to continue to reading I did in 2016 and feel like one per month is a good goal to shoot for. 
  • Go on two dates with my husband- We've been really all over the place with date nights. This year we really decided that we wanted to commit to twice per month.


  • Half-bath Update
  1. New Paint
  2. Order/install new light fixture
  3. Hang decor/new mirror


  • $1000 PRV
  • Recruit 2 new people
  • Hit second fast start bonus
  • Rank to Lead Beauty Guide 

There you have it! We really want to try to accomplish a home project once a month. We have a few more things we'd like to save up and do to our home. I realized last year we had so many things we wanted to do and started and stopped projects because we took on to much each month. This way we're hoping to tackle one thing each month and move on toward our house goals. 

What are some of your goals for 2017? Let me know in the comments below.