'Your Legacy' Dr. James Dobson Review + Giveaway

I have been a long time fan of Dr. James Dobson and his books for a while now. I started reading them when Ava was a little over a year old. He's got some great books on parenting children & discipline. I love his commitment to raising Godly children and having healthy Christ centered families. Dare to Discipline is a favorite of mine. 

I had the chance to review his new Building a Family Legacy series which includes 8 DVDs on various topics (see below for the complete list.) I think the idea of leaving a legacy for our children isn't something we talk a whole lot about these day, or even hear about. I feel though that it's so vital to consider this when raising our children. 

My husband and I are always asking ourselves;

What do we want our children to remember about our family?

What values do we want them to have?

How can we leave a lasting impression and legacy for them?

In the Your Legacy DVD Dobson unpacks the value of leaving a spiritual legacy for your family, shares his own experiences with his own ancestors and what he did for his own family. He also challenges us to do the same for our families.

Other DVD titles include:

  • Your Legacy
  • Bringing up Boys
  • Bringing up Girls
  • Love For A Lifetime
  • The Strong-Willed Child
  • Dare To Discipline
  • Straight Talk To Men
  • Wanting To Believe with Ryan Dobson

Now for the fun part; I'm giving away 3 copies of the Your Legacy DVD by Dr. James Dobson. To enter comment below with your best tip for raising healthy families. It can be anything you want, the best way you get dinner on the table, how you get your kiddos to eat their veggies or your best tip for breaking up sibling fights. I wanna hear about it. Contest will run from now until Friday night. Winners will be announced Saturday morning and emailed for notification. Connect with them on Facebook & Twitter